Tree Hugger Cloth Pads

Our mission is simple: to provide the highest quality pads with the best customer service. We take great pride in our company, our commitment to customer service and in the products we sell.
Tree Hugger Cloth Pads was "born" in 2008 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
- Amazing Deals and Sales
- Exclusive Products
- Surprise Me!
- Let's Babywear!
- Let's Diaper!
- Let's Accessorize!
- Let's Play!
- Let's Teethe....easier!
- Let's Take Care!
- Let's Adult
- Let's Breastfeed!
- Let's Reuse!
- Let's Sample It!
- Let's Gift!
- Let's Snuggle!
- Let's Get Stylin!
- Let's Eat!
- Let's Go Places
- Gift Certificates
- Newborn Rentals
- Used Diapers